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What is Cupping therapy ?

Cupping therapy could be a kind of ancient medicine that originated in China. It’s supported the idea that certain health conditions are generally caused by stagnant blood and the poor energy flow through the body.
To mend or prevent those health issues from occurring, the practitioner apply cups at certain points of the skin to make suction.The pressure created from the suction help in drawing blood to the precise area , and increasing blood flow. The rise in blood flow can help relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and reduce inflammation.

Similar to acupuncture, cupping is predicated on the meridian theory of the body , and therefore, the cups are placed on acupuncture points. Cupping help in rejuvenating certain meridians and organs that aren ‘t in optimal condition.

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What are the benefits of cupping therapy ?

Cupping therapy has several health benefits which include:

  1. Improved blood flow
  2. Boosted immunity
  3. Reduced inflammation
  4. Calming the system
  5. Stretching the muscles and animal tissue
  6. Loosened adhesions and restrictions within the tissue
  7. Relaxation Improved athletic performance
  8. Improved general wellbeing.