shin splints

Do you Experience Pain

along the Front of your Lower Leg Near the Shin Bone?
If that is a pain you can closely relate to, then you may be experiencing a stress syndrome call “Shin Splints”.

What causes it?
The cause of Shin Splint is usually related with scenarios where an individual suddenly starts walking , or running very long distance.
The whole process of this condition is very painful and can even cut off the blood supply to the specific musculature.

Shin Splint is a swelling stress disorder, from continuing putting stress on the bones, muscles and joints.

Shin Splint is developed through the over-use of particular muscles. The Shin Splint involves Anterior Shin Splints and as well as Posterior Shin Splints.

The Anterior is associated with the Tibialis muscle of the anterior part of the leg. Whereas, Posterior Shin Splint affects the Tibialis Posterior muscle of the leg.

It can also be caused when the individual;
➢ Over pronates
➢ Has weak muscles due to short of of daily activities
➢ Changes in the types of shoe worn and etc’

Come in at Mount Joy Rehab Clinic for a clear examination of your foot, with Doctor Harahsheh.

With over 13 years of being in the Osteopathic and rehabilitation fields.
Doctor Harahsheh is an expert at healing people with non-invasive, natural methods to suit your needs.????????⚕️

You will be very pleased with the results!☺️

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